Tuesday, August 6, 2013

What's a girl to do?!!

I don't know why I'm blogging because I pretty much stuck at sticking with it, but hopefully this time is different. (The third time is a charm???.......) Anyway, I've got nothing else to do......which brings me to the point of this blog.

So, I decided to start a blog about things to do in Sioux Falls, SD. I've been living here for a year now, so not entirely a newbie, but having spent a good 18+ years in Atlanta, Georgia, I'm still getting used to the city that is called Sioux Falls.

When I first got here, these were my first reactions:
1) For us "city slickers", Sioux Falls is not a true city. My definition: If I don't see at least one skyscraper, I will have to demote the "city" to a town.........or a really big suburb.

2) Where will I buy my Korean/Nigerian/Chinese/etc ingredients? There are a few spots here and there, but I really miss being able to find these ingredients with no trouble and especially, not having to drive around the city. Gas is not cheap. As of now, I do what I can, but I get a lot of my ingredients online or when I go to the Minneapolis.

3) What is there to do? It seems like the same things over and over again. Now, I'm busy all the time so I don't know why I'm complaining, but IF I did have time, I would like something to do.

So anyway, I hoping that this blog will make me get up and try all the things that the city has or may offer. Since I like....wait........LOVE to eat, I'll probably be posting about a lot of eateries, so bear with me.

So here's to having fun and not getting into TOO much trouble.....
That's it for now!