Friday, August 1, 2014

Told ya!

See...I told you. I'm really bad a keeping up with posts. It's almost a year since my last (and first) post. Maybe the second time will be a charm.

So nothing exciting has actually happened in a's the same old Sioux Falls experience, but I'm going to try and go out there and see if there are any gems. For me, I tend to do the same things each week: dinner and a movie. The summer is typically busy for movies and I eat year round. Not too exciting, I know.

However, moving to a more "exciting" note, I finally made my way to Cleaver's on Western. I wanted to make sushi yesterday and I was looking for fish that would be acceptable to use. They did not have any in stock, but I left my number so I could get a call when something does come in. Don't worry though, I didn't leave empty-handed. There is no way I could be around all that food and not buy something. I decided to get a fillet of salmon.

My eyes got pretty big when I saw $15.95 a pound though. What the hell!!?? I guess that is the price you pay for good fish? I'm going to have to do a little research on that and check around town. On the flip side, after eating that somewhat buyer's remorse went in my stomach with that DELICIOUS fish. I'm usually not a big salmon fan because I always seem to experience dry fish, but this fish was good. Also, my total lunch (salmon, green beans, and roasted potatoes) cost me about $9 so if you think about how a restaurant would probably charge me $18, I'm feeling pretty good.

A new shipment of seafood is supposed to come in today, so I may have to pay a visit. (FYI: new shipments come in Tuesdays and Fridays and if you let them know before noon on Monday or Thursday, they can get you whatever they want. I learned this yesterday.)

Well, that's it for now. I've got to hit the books. Before I go, I leave you with a question: where is the best Chinese place in town?